Louie Louie Lists

Given that Louie Louie has been recorded more times than any other rock song in history (over 2,000, but the exact number is hard to pin down), there are naturally many different ways to list and categorize the song and it's known recordings. 

Here are some of those lists.  The lists preceded by the blue bullet are part of this site, and those preceded by a green bullet are links to other sites.

Comprehensive Lists

Eric Predoehl's All Known Louie Louie Recordings List

Clay Stabler's Louie Louie & Spin-Off 45 Singles List

Theo DeGrood's Louie Louie Discography

Recordings by Particular Artists

The Grateful Dead - Known (and recorded) Louie Louie performances by the Grateful Dead

Iggy Pop - Known (and recorded) Louie Louie performances by Iggy Pop

Black Flag

Sisters of Mercy

Random Categories of Louie Louie Recordings

Karaoke Versions - Versions of Louie Louie that appears on karaoke recordings. 

"Exercise" Versions - Several tapes and CDs designed for aerobics or other workouts that contain versions of Louie Louie.

Instructional Versions -

Pharaoh Pharaoh - A list of the known recordings of this religious rewrite of the Louie Louie lyrics.

Miscellaneous Lists

Countdown Media - One recording of the song that shows up over and over again.

Andy Martello's list of his own Louie Louie collection.

Recordings of Related Songs

Not Louie Louie - A list of songs called "Louie Louie" (or something similar), but are different songs altogether.

Louie Go Home - A list of all known versions of this song that was written as a sequel to Louie Louie.

Brother Louie - A list of all known versions of this song that is often confused with Louie Louie.

Have Love Will Travel - A list of all known versions of this song that was written by Richard Berry in the style of Louie Louie.

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Last Updated 20 April 2020
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